Management Solutions

Dedicated, Professional Leaders.


Management Solutions Overview


management & Organization

Whether you need assistance increasing your budget, reorganizing your staff, reorganizing your organization’s programs, managing through a crisis, or rebuilding your organization, we have the experience and expertise to guide you and your organization through these times. We are here to help and are dedicated in your success.

  • We review current management structures, including staffing and budget, and recommend strategies for moving forward.

  • We work with your senior staff and Board of Directors on mission and goals of the organization.

  • We align your programs and projects to meet the mission of the organization.

  • We work with your senior staff and Board to align your staff with the organization’s program and projects.

  • We work with your organization through crisis planning and management.

development & fundraising

We approach every new sponsorship, corporate program, or fundraising project by evaluating past performance, engaging the Board and members on success, and working with current and prospective sponsors on the value they receive or expect to receive. This will provide a baseline for what works and what can be built on for moving forward. Each sponsorship, corporate, or fundraising strategy we develop is unique to its organization.

  • We determine the direction of the campaigns and align it with the financial and budgetary goals of your organization.

  • We work with historical trends of previous sponsorship, corporate programs, or fundraising campaigns to ensure new campaigns are in-line both financially and programmatically with past campaigns.

  • We brand the development and fundraising campaigns, including marketing materials (email messages, website banners, text, and printed materials) and help train volunteers, staff, and Board members on sponsorship and development outreach and engagement.

advocacy & legislation

Having successfully advocated on transportation, community, health, environment, and public safety issues we can help you create and/or manage a legislative portfolio. We have over 30 years of combined legislative and advocacy experience at the state and federal level in creating, monitoring, and managing legislation and advocacy. We have the experience to help you on large and complex bills, such as the Federal Surface Transportation legislation, and smaller focused legislation, such as state level funding packages. Large or small, we look at your advocacy portfolio holistically and will work with you, your senior staff, Board members, and legislators on a comprehensive and impactful portfolio.

  • We monitor and analyze legislation and impacts to your programs and agency.

  • We provide concise and thorough communications on legislative impacts and/or legislative proposals.

  • We manage Washington, DC Capitol Hill and State House visits, events, volunteers, registrations, speakers, and sessions utilizing the latest event management technology.

events: in-person and virtual

Having successfully executed more than 300 events, large and small, we look at each event holistically - from a logistics, marketing, communication, attendee, speaker, and organization perspective.

  • We successfully negotiate contracts that protect our clients and minimize expenses.

  • We provide logistical support and help stage events of all sizes - from small focus groups to large national events.

  • We work in almost every major event market and knows the national event space.

  • We manage volunteers, registrations, speakers, and sessions utilizing the latest event management technology.

  • We manage expenses and revenues to maximize event profits for our clients.

  • We provide event analytics to give Boards and members all the information they need to make decisions up to and after each event.


Management Solutions Examples


Program Alignment and Internal Assessments

We have worked with organizations to review their program and staffing to ensure that they are aligned appropriately for maximum efficiency and to balance staff across programs. We have conducted multi-year staffing and organization plans and have worked with Board of Directors on strategic goals and program growth areas. We have also been effective at helping organizations understand cost and revenue centers, and maximize their budgets for long-term growth.

Board Training and Governance Assessments

Over the last 20 years our team has on-boarded and trained over 100 new Boards of Governors’ members. We provide documents, strategic assessments, seminars, and agency and program overviews. We have also provided training on the roles of programs and agency relevance to new Boards of Directors to ensure long term and proactive Board governance.

Legislation and Advocacy

Our consultants have spent decades working with state and federal legislatures and legislation. We have a successful track record of developing and communicating legislative agendas. For example:

  • 2019 OCWCOG Legislative Agenda: In coordination with the Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments’ (OCWCOG) Board of Directors, we developed a legislative agenda for the organization. We worked with the City Managers and County Administrators, who represent the members of OCWCOG, as well as senior staff, to develop positions on healthcare, transportation, economic development, and environmental mitigation. We worked with staff, members and legislators on implementation. Review the 2019 OCWCOG Legislative Agenda.

  • H.B. 3611: We helped Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas manage and maneuver the Metropolitan Congestion Relief Act of 2003. The Bill aimed at providing more funding to metropolitan regions to tackle the growing problem of congestion.

  • Reauthorization of the Federal Surface Transportation Acts: We have done extensive work on the five-year federal transportation authorization bills, including providing testimony, advocacy positions, and successfully negotiating a number of changes that made urban and rural transportation more effective and efficient. Our biggest victory was working with senior Senate staff on a new and higher funding package for metropolitan planning.

Management Communications

Our Team has researched, written, and deployed custom Communication Policies, Procedures, and Style Guides for numerous nonprofit organizations and agencies, covering an organization's unique internal and external branding, formatting/design, and program/project needs.

  • Communication Policies: We have developed custom Communication Policies, based on what an organization already has in place (if anything), and where the organization wishes to go. These policies include who speaks with the press; what and when information is distributed; and how that information gets distributed. Communication Policies focus on the big picture of who, what, where, and when.

  • Communication Procedures: We have written unique Communication Procedures, designed to work in line with an organization's Communication Policies, to ensure the marketing and program materials are written and formatted to the organization's Style Guide; employees are aware of their role in internal and external communications; how communications are written, released, and posted to websites, social media, etc.; and much more. Communication Procedures are customized for each organization, based on the work; types of marketing and press they release; and what collateral they produce. This document focuses on "how" the work gets completed.

  • Style Guides: We have written and developed Style Guides for internal and external organization usage; defining the organization's brand; and aligning the organization's mission with the look of its materials and collateral.

Management Operations

A/R360 has managed numerous organizations and Committees, with varying Board and executive leadership functions. When working with a new agency, Team Members assess the needs of the organization, staff, and programs, including administrative, technological, and programmatic; assess any budgetary constraints; and meet with appropriate staff and leadership to understand the organization better.

  • Gestalt Institute of Cleveland (GIC): We updated policies and procedures; implemented new technology, and procedures to support online and remote learning; created new academic standards and codes of conduct; and helped revamp and relaunch GIC's signature training programs in Coaching and Therapeutics – thereby increasing student enrollment, faculty responsiveness, and faculty support.

  • Forsyth County Digital Equity Committee (FCDE): We provided Board, Committee, technical, and administrative support; wrote content and built the FCDE website; wrote marketing emails and managed the mass email system; managed strategic communications; assisted in grant writing and development; and secured $2 million for workforce training in Winston-Salem, NC, for the FCDE Committee.

Our consultants are experts in the development and fundraising world, having spent decades raising money for their own non-profits. Below are examples of our work.

  • Giving Day: One of our many fundraising initiatives was Giving Day for the Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG). We created a multi-year strategic plan to promote fundraising for the Meals on Wheels program. In working with my team of graphic and web designers, this campaign recognizes individuals or business donors for a special day of their choosing within our Meals on Wheels program and across the OCWCOG website and social media platforms. Branded materials developed for this program included items that could be displayed at a business location as well, allowing the Meals on Wheels program to be cross marketed in the community and thanking the donor. Giving Day proved to be successful and well-liked immediately.

  • LBLPrime: We have created many successful fundraising campaigns for various programs and organizations. One such example is LBLPrime. LBLPrime encouraged businesses in Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties to strategically partner with the OCWCOG in a year-long and specifically branded campaign. The campaign included advertising, media spots, event recognition, and other opportunities. The campaign provided to be a win for both the community to support OCWCOG and for OCWCOG, as it was able to built out its fundraising event and fundraising budget.

Development and Fundraising